Team Pescado
<% addCommas(stats.performance) %>pp
Ranking place: #<% addCommas(stats.rank) %>
The FIRST Taiko only clan ><
(If you are inactive i'll r……i don't care♥)
If you're weak, you just DIE , and that sucks!
(If you are inactive i'll r……i don't care♥)
If you're weak, you just DIE , and that sucks!
Created on
<% new Date(stats.created_datetime * 1000).toLocaleString("ru-RU").split(",")[0] %>
Total firstplaces
<% addCommas(stats.first_places) %>
Average PP
<% addCommas(stats.avg_pp) %>pp
Average accuracy
<% stats.avg_accuracy %>%
Total playcount
<% addCommas(stats.playcount) %>
Total score
<% scoreFormat(stats.score) %>
Recent activity
This clan hasn't done anything recently!