Appealing ban on Gatari.
Appeal is a letter of a banned player to the administration of osu!Gatari in which he/she confessed all the rule-breaking and promises not to misbehave. The outcome of the letter may be unban of the player.
###How much time do I have to wait before appealing on gatari?
The time of your ban depends on the type of the broken rule:
- For cheating on a tournament or another public event - 6 months
- For cheating in solo or account sharing - 1 month
- For multiaccounting - 2 weeks
- For inviting a cheater using your personal key - 1 week
These times are counted from the ban date. In case of independent combination of rule breakings the period is calcualted as the sum of period for all the individual crimes. The admins have the right to increase the wait period for extra-hard crimes or misbehaviour during your communcation with the gatari support. In case you have denied cheating against the gatar experts' conclusion the wait period is increased by 2 months after your contact with support. (You are still able to simply ask details regarding your ban). In case of relapse the new ban wait period is calculated with the formula and is summed with the previous ban wait period value (or the sum of all previous ban wait periods). The appealing happens in vk group chat ( from the attached vk account.
The template for ban appeal consists of 4 points:
- Your nickname
- Describing everything bad you have done on osu!Gatari. You should include details, like nicknames, dates and software details, sources, anything that can be useful for analyzing your case
- Why have you done that, retard?
- How can we be sure that you won't reoffend?
An admin has a right to ask question in order to get more information on the case. Then the admin can make a resolution of the appeal - either positive or negative. The probability of successful appeal depends on the quality of the text and information, and honesty. In severe cases or due to inadequacy of the player unban request can be denied for some time, or forever. There is a univeral way out of this situation - paid unban 10$ to xxdstem's Qiwi account.
In reality, paid unban is an official service which administration of the best CIS osu! server can offer to a banned player. You then don't have to wait for a month or write an appeal, however this has to be agreed with the administration. The motivation of this service is simple: each criminal is a time waste for the admins to find, verify and ban, and potential appeling process which could have been spent on development. Paid unban compensates that damage while honest players can continue playing for free on the best CIS osu! server. Needless to say that the second offence will result in a regular ban.
Paid unban is usually required for second time banned players, and its price can be increased for more reoffences.
A note about the appeal template in case a player has argued their innocence after the ban:
Such an appeal has to start with "I, as an autistic retard, once upon a time ate shit for breakfast and then, as befits autistic retard, I ..." like that because you have been diagnosed already.