I'd like to say goodbye for now.

a few notes on improving at this game:

> the basis for everything is consistency, be it acc or ability to control nerves.
>improving your accuracy is one of the best ways to get consistent, play long maps, dont be afraid of HR after a while, look up on how to improve your rhythm sense(some have this part easier than others)
>play low star maps to learn patterns, dont be afraid of 5 star maps while being 5 digit or even 4 digit, learning to recognize patterns and practicing your accuracy
>don't get too hard on yourself for playing bad, don't focus on farm, that will get you nowhere. play consistently and have good warmup routine. e.g. your sessions should be around 1-3 hours, take 15 minutes of the first hour to play bursts/finger control, take another 15 to play aim maps, take another 10 to practice long streams, dont forget to stretch fingers.
>if youre playing bad for a while, reconsider your mindset. mindset is also a crucial part of playing and improving, your mindset should always be consistency and not pp nor ranks. use ranks/pp to motivate yourself but dont focus on them all the time, otherwise you wont get anywhere.

and the most important thing, ENJOY THE GAME. if you dont enjoy playing, take a break. taking breaks is ok, but remember you will probably play worse than before the break so dont get too hard on yourself. keep your mindset in check.

pls like and subscrib to my youtub https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL82OJl6xFNz23_8UiKGMLg

no im not banned on bancho. i deleted my account under GDPR 1 year ago and kinda regret it. sorry to dissapoint .

pono's yomi yori liveplay - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6f-bkt0syE

aim play - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRyRNNuliZQ
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Misha  <% (event.mode >= 0 ? ' ('+convertModeToTextFull(event.mode)+')' : '') %>
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4,590,136 / 433x(433x) { 298 / 2 / 0 / 0 }
about 2 years ago
accuracy: 99.97%
4,590,136 / 433x(433x) { 298 / 2 / 0 / 0 }
about 2 years ago
accuracy: 99.97%
4,590,136 / 433x(433x) { 298 / 2 / 0 / 0 }
about 2 years ago
accuracy: 99.97%
4,590,136 / 433x(433x) { 298 / 2 / 0 / 0 }
about 2 years ago
accuracy: 99.97%
4,590,136 / 433x(433x) { 298 / 2 / 0 / 0 }
about 2 years ago
accuracy: 99.97%
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<% userStats[mode].avg_hits_play %>
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<% addCommas(userStats[mode].ranked_score) %>
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<% addCommas(userStats[mode].total_score) %>
Hit accuracy
<% userStats[mode].avg_accuracy_rx.toFixed(2) %>%
<% userStats[mode].avg_accuracy_ap.toFixed(2) %>%
<% userStats[mode].avg_accuracy.toFixed(2) %>%
Total playcount
<% addCommas(userStats[mode].playcount) %>
Maximum combo
<% addCommas(userStats[mode].max_combo) %>
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Level <% userStats[mode].level %>
<% userStats[mode].level_progress %>%
<% userStats[mode].xh_count %>
<% userStats[mode].x_count %>
<% userStats[mode].sh_count %>
<% userStats[mode].s_count %>
<% userStats[mode].a_count %>
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Date Action Length Description
<% timeSince(silence.date) %> Silence <% timeDifference(Math.floor(new Date() / 1000), Math.floor(new Date() / 1000) - silence.length) %> <% silence.reason %>
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