Farewell? :thinking:

I've been on Gatari for quite some time now, everyone here has always been really friendly with me, I made some friends and even found love.

I was obviously playing because my Bancho was restricted, but recently I've been allowed back after a few years waiting, I won't do any mistakes again.

I think I'm gonna mainly focus on Bancho now, that doesn't mean that I will quit Gatari but I will definitely be way less active here, I'll just maybe play sometimes to have fun.

Gatari is an awesome place, please, play Gatari!
My Skin (updated 04/10/19)

Add me :D
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aku  <% (event.mode >= 0 ? ' ('+convertModeToTextFull(event.mode)+')' : '') %>
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4,590,136 / 433x(433x) { 298 / 2 / 0 / 0 }
about 2 years ago
accuracy: 99.97%
4,590,136 / 433x(433x) { 298 / 2 / 0 / 0 }
about 2 years ago
accuracy: 99.97%
4,590,136 / 433x(433x) { 298 / 2 / 0 / 0 }
about 2 years ago
accuracy: 99.97%
4,590,136 / 433x(433x) { 298 / 2 / 0 / 0 }
about 2 years ago
accuracy: 99.97%
4,590,136 / 433x(433x) { 298 / 2 / 0 / 0 }
about 2 years ago
accuracy: 99.97%
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Total play time
<% userStats[mode].avg_hits_play %>
Ranked score
<% addCommas(userStats[mode].ranked_score) %>
Total score
<% addCommas(userStats[mode].total_score) %>
Hit accuracy
<% userStats[mode].avg_accuracy_rx.toFixed(2) %>%
<% userStats[mode].avg_accuracy_ap.toFixed(2) %>%
<% userStats[mode].avg_accuracy.toFixed(2) %>%
Total playcount
<% addCommas(userStats[mode].playcount) %>
Maximum combo
<% addCommas(userStats[mode].max_combo) %>
Replays Watched by Others
<% addCommas(userStats[mode].replays_watched) %>
Level <% userStats[mode].level %>
<% userStats[mode].level_progress %>%
<% userStats[mode].xh_count %>
<% userStats[mode].x_count %>
<% userStats[mode].sh_count %>
<% userStats[mode].s_count %>
<% userStats[mode].a_count %>
Recent Infringements
Date Action Length Description
<% timeSince(silence.date) %> Silence <% timeDifference(Math.floor(new Date() / 1000), Math.floor(new Date() / 1000) - silence.length) %> <% silence.reason %>
Most played maps <% mostPlaysCount[mode] %>
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Playcount chart
Ranked beatmaps 0
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Favourite beatmaps <% addCommas(favouritesCount) %>
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First places <% addCommas(userStats[mode].firstCount) %>
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