[heading] [/heading]

[heading] Welcome to my userpage! :3 [/heading]






Thank You

ty Dyon for 1 month of supporter <3

ty Xill and Semie for playing my first osu! tournament with me. It was an experience that I will never forget and I couldn't be more grateful. <3

ty Xill for helping me with everything osu related. Thank you for giving me tips on how to get better and improve faster. Thank you for all the nice compliments, which made my rank skyrocket because of the confidence. Thank you for sticking around with me. I would not be here without you. Sanku. <3

Nagi - it was a canon event.

Performance:  --
Recent activity
Nrrmal  <% (event.mode >= 0 ? ' ('+convertModeToTextFull(event.mode)+')' : '') %>
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Favourite plays
4,590,136 / 433x(433x) { 298 / 2 / 0 / 0 }
about 2 years ago
accuracy: 99.97%
4,590,136 / 433x(433x) { 298 / 2 / 0 / 0 }
about 2 years ago
accuracy: 99.97%
4,590,136 / 433x(433x) { 298 / 2 / 0 / 0 }
about 2 years ago
accuracy: 99.97%
4,590,136 / 433x(433x) { 298 / 2 / 0 / 0 }
about 2 years ago
accuracy: 99.97%
4,590,136 / 433x(433x) { 298 / 2 / 0 / 0 }
about 2 years ago
accuracy: 99.97%
There's no favourite scores yet
Total play time
<% userStats[mode].avg_hits_play %>
Ranked score
<% addCommas(userStats[mode].ranked_score) %>
Total score
<% addCommas(userStats[mode].total_score) %>
Hit accuracy
<% userStats[mode].avg_accuracy_rx.toFixed(2) %>%
<% userStats[mode].avg_accuracy_ap.toFixed(2) %>%
<% userStats[mode].avg_accuracy.toFixed(2) %>%
Total playcount
<% addCommas(userStats[mode].playcount) %>
Maximum combo
<% addCommas(userStats[mode].max_combo) %>
Replays Watched by Others
<% addCommas(userStats[mode].replays_watched) %>
Level <% userStats[mode].level %>
<% userStats[mode].level_progress %>%
<% userStats[mode].xh_count %>
<% userStats[mode].x_count %>
<% userStats[mode].sh_count %>
<% userStats[mode].s_count %>
<% userStats[mode].a_count %>
Recent Infringements
Date Action Length Description
<% timeSince(silence.date) %> Silence <% timeDifference(Math.floor(new Date() / 1000), Math.floor(new Date() / 1000) - silence.length) %> <% silence.reason %>
Most played maps <% mostPlaysCount[mode] %>
There's no scores yet.. :(
Playcount chart
Ranked beatmaps 0
Nothing here… Yet.
Favourite beatmaps <% addCommas(favouritesCount) %>
Nothing here… Yet.
First places <% addCommas(userStats[mode].firstCount) %>
There's no scores yet.. :(
Top Performance
There's no scores yet.. :(
Recent plays
There's no scores yet.. :(
Nothing here… Yet.